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主编:李雪涛 沈国威
半年刊 ISSN号:2747-7576

《东亚文化交涉学刊》(Journal of Cultural Interaction in East Asia)以跨国家、跨地区、跨文化的历史现象为研究对象,将东亚文化置于广阔的相互关系情境中来理解和考察。本刊提倡从互动中来理解历史,从而建立起反对西方中心论的世界观。

Journal of Cultural Interaction in East Asia will promote research on cultural interaction in East Asia, since this research field of study attempts to transcend the analytical units of national and ethnic bonds and to explain the total state of cultural interaction from a diverse and synthetic viewpoint.

This journal aims to carry out creative research activities that bring together perspectives from around the globe. Its research focus is cultural interaction in East Asia, which will include cultural interaction between East Asia and the rest of the world as well as cultural interaction between various regions of East Asia. In addition, rather than analyzing the cultural interaction (generation, contact, conflict, transformation, and integration) from one-to-one perspectives, such as between two countries or two regions, we embrace the methodology of conducting analyses from the perspective of many-to-many, in other words, perspectives that involve as many countries and regions as possible.

主编:宋毅 执行主编:Deqiang Ji
半年刊 ISSN号:2749-4799

《国际跨文化传播学刊》(Journal of Transcultural Communication)为在日益全球化与网络化的人类社会中推动跨文化传播理论和实践的原创研究提供了跨学科平台。在对文化与传播的复杂关系进行分析的基础上,该刊欢迎反思跨文化传播的理论与方法,融合不同文化间传播的不同视角,超越全球文化的霸权视野的原创论文。

Journal of Transcultural Communication (JTC) provides a transdisciplinary platform for the publication of original research into theories and practices of transcultural communication in an increasingly globalizing and networking human society. Built upon the prosperous analyses on the complex relationship between culture and communication, JTC encourages original submissions reflecting theoretical approaches in intercultural communication, integrating diverse perspectives in communication between cultures, and transcending hegemonic views of global cultures.

Journal of Transcultural Communication (JTC) seeks original contributions that propose new ideas, pursue innovative research directions and methodologies from all around the world in line with its academic spirit of pursuing creative and inclusive approaches in communication and culture studies.

主编:杨丹 执行主编:章思英
半年刊 ISSN号:2751-0166



投稿邮箱:icos@ fltrp.com

International Confucian Studies is an English-language journal for global readers. It focuses on the study of Confucianism and traditional cultures by scholars worldwide. It aims to support communication and mutual learning among civilizations for upholding cultural diversity. The journal also strives to contribute new thoughts on promoting world peace, common development, and a community of a shared future for mankind. It seeks to serve as an international platform for exchanging ideas in Confucian studies. Research articles and critical reviews in relevant fields are especially welcome. It is published biannually in English and available by instant Gold Open Access. All submissions are subject to a double-blind peer-review process with at least two reviewers.

International Confucian Studies is co-sponsored by International Confucian Association and Beijing Foreign Studies University, and co-published by Walter De Gruyter GmbH and Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.

International Confucian Studies focuses on international studies of Confucianism and its research scope involves but is not limited to the following topics:

  • Confucian classics;

  • General theory of Confucianism;

  • Confucianism and Western Learning;

  • Confucianism and literature and art;

  • History of Confucianism studies;

  • Confucianism and the contemporary world;

  • Confucian humanism and social development;

  • Review article(s).

Submission mailbox: icos@fltrp.com

Editorial Department

Editorial Director: SUN Fenglan

Copy Editors: CAI Zhe, CHAO Xiaoqian, Du Xiaomo, JIAO Yingtian, SUN Hui, YAO Xirui

主编:任文 王斌华
半年刊 ISSN号:2752-3810

《口译与社会》(Interpreting and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal)主要刊载口译跨学科研究的前沿成果,关注口译的理论性、批评性和实证性研究,旨在促进口译跨学科研究发展,凸显口译实践的社会价值。

Interpreting and Society: An Interdisciplinary Journal is an international, open access, peer reviewed journal which aims to broaden the scope of interpreting studies as a burgeoning field of enquiry whose societal, political and scholarly relevance has grown considerably over the past decade.

每年3期 ISSN号:2169-8260


Journal of World Languages is an international, peer-reviewed multidisciplinary journal that explores the roles, functions and structures of languages in the world. Special attention is given to studies of languages in the fields of ecolinguistics (including the Haugenian Tradition and the Hallidayan Tradition), systemic functional linguistics, critical/positive/multimodal/ecological discourse analysis, sociolinguistics, cognitive linguistics, corpus linguistics, pragmatics, linguistic typology, linguistic anthropology and philosophy of language.
