《国际跨文化传播学刊》(Journal of Transcultural Communication)为在日益全球化与网络化的人类社会中推动跨文化传播理论和实践的原创研究提供了跨学科平台。在对文化与传播的复杂关系进行分析的基础上,该刊欢迎反思跨文化传播的理论与方法,融合不同文化间传播的不同视角,超越全球文化的霸权视野的原创论文。
Journal of Transcultural Communication (JTC) provides a transdisciplinary platform for the publication of original research into theories and practices of transcultural communication in an increasingly globalizing and networking human society. Built upon the prosperous analyses on the complex relationship between culture and communication, JTC encourages original submissions reflecting theoretical approaches in intercultural communication, integrating diverse perspectives in communication between cultures, and transcending hegemonic views of global cultures.
Journal of Transcultural Communication (JTC) seeks original contributions that propose new ideas, pursue innovative research directions and methodologies from all around the world in line with its academic spirit of pursuing creative and inclusive approaches in communication and culture studies.