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主编:文秋芳 常务副主编:刘相东
季刊 ISSN号:2192-9513


The Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics (CJAL) (formerly known as Teaching English in China – CELEA Journal) was created in 1978 as a newsletter by the British Council, Beijing. It is the affiliated journal of the China English Language Education Association (founded in 1981 and now the Chinese affiliate of AILA [International Association of Applied Linguistics]).

The Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics is the only English language teaching (ELT) journal in China that is published in English, serving as a window to Chinese reform on ELT for professionals in China and around the world. The journal is internationally focused, fully refereed, and its articles address a wide variety of topics in Chinese applied linguistics which include – but also reach beyond – the topics of language education and second language acquisition.

Beginning with volume 34 in 2011, the journal is now co-published by De Gruyter Mouton, the Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press (FLTRP), and the Cultural and Education Section of the British Embassy.

本刊已被Web of Science的ESCI(新兴资源引文索引)、Scopus引文索引、中国学术期刊网络出版总库及(CNKI)数据库、现代语言学会国际书目(MLA International Bibliography)、EBSCO期刊全文数据库(EBSCO Host)等索引或全文数据库收录。本刊国际版自2011年起由德国著名学术出版社de Gruyter出版,已连续多年被《中国学术期刊国际引证年报》评为“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊(人文社会科学)”,“2022年度中国人文社会科学期刊AMI综合评价”外文刊核心期刊。